Call it impostor syndrome or self-sabotage, we are all guilty of being our own worst enemy and toughest critic. We follow best practices, timelines, and journeys that lead us to unhappiness and adversity, and leave use stranded at crossroads. At times we allow social media, the world around us, and “the way it’s always been,” to dictate our happiness and life choices. To anyone out there that’s reading this, It’s okay to not be okay. You are not alone if you feel overwhelmed with your personal and professional life. Don’t be ashamed or fear that there is a stigma attached to your own mental health--whether you have been battling it your whole life, or just recently. 

Audio Version: Click Here to listen to my audio narration on YouTube

Looking beyond the darkness and all the uncertainty, what if I was to tell you that the clarity, peace, and answers you desire surround you?

I challenge anyone reading this reflection to be grateful for the people in your life that truly care about you and believe in you. The obstacles and challenges we face can be overcome when we are brave enough to ask for help or to reach out to the people we trust. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. I highly recommend learning to step outside of the comfort zone that is your safe haven and talk to new people, experience new things, be open to falling and growing from that failure, and be willing to see the world from a whole new perspective. 

Regardless of our romantic relationship status, we all have some form of core family and friends we value and trust. We can call them our inner circle, our family, our circle of trust, or possibly our tribe. Just outside that core, we have the friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who we interact with regularly, but more casually.

There Are No Coincidences in Life

If we take it a step further, there’s the pool of people that we cross paths with seemingly by chance. This is the person you randomly sit next to on the plane, the Lyft driver that brought you to your destination, or the familiar stranger you see regularly at the shop in your community. We typically choose silence in such encounters, but on the occasions when we open up, we often surprise ourselves with the outcome of that conversation. Think about how a chance encounter turned into a life-changing moment or chapter in your life. Sometimes it could be as simple as a DM, text, or quick conversation that made your day or instantly improved your happiness.

I’m a firm believer that crossing paths with people in life is not by chance or sheer coincidence. I believe each person could potentially serve a higher purpose or be the unscripted chapter that your life needed to experience. To counter that statement, the timing of when these people enter our lives is everything. We often hear the phrase, “right time, right place,” or “life is about timing.” 

The Narrative We Control

Our daily life is a real-life “choose your own adventure.” We all have the power to change the course of history, unlock people’s potential, and provide new experiences or perspectives. For better or for worse, we can also bring joy or sadness, inspire or discourage, unite or divide, and make people believe or give up hope. We control that narrative with our life choices, morals, and actions. Lead by example, and be the person your younger self needed as a mentor 20 years ago.

Let's take a moment and focus on the amazing, uplifting people that surround us as voices of reason, mentors, and subject matter experts. We often try to do all the things on our own, and all at once. This leads to more stress, more anxiety, and more frustration. On the flip side, we are prone to seeking instant gratification, at times not considering how that affects the person we expect to make it happen.  We must find a balance in what we ask for versus what we personally deliver to others in a lifetime. 

Gratitude and respect is a two-way street. If you treat people with the mutual respect you desire, they will make time to be there for you. In most cases the missing piece to our success and greatness lives in the people that surround us. 

The Power of Communication

The clarity I speak of derives from the people that surround us in the present day. In order to unlock it, we have to do our part and communicate on an authentic level. Conversations reveal common threads, generate ideas, initiate introductions, and create a place for us in each other’s minds. How often have we shared an idea, or revealed our talents or passions, and heard the words, “I should introduce you to…” If you keep to yourself, the opportunities never happen, and you’ll melt into the status quo, sitting just out of sight, and just out of mind. 

The same applies to the countless individuals we cross paths with in our day-to-day, where we so often mind our business and keep to ourselves. It may be due to culture or geography, or the disconnect could come from the individual's tendency toward being private, introverted, shy, or disinterested. Here on the East coast, we tend to be more guarded with opening up. I always believe in leading with empathy, patience, and compassion--we never know what trauma or adversity someone endured before they entered your life. As Lin-Manuel Miranda once said, “Don’t forget the past can speak to the future.” 

Finding Peace Through Gratitude and Compassion

We live each day with the hope that we can make an impact on others, inspire the people around us, and learn from what the day taught us. It’s human nature for us to adapt and evolve, and to share our love and compassion for the people and things we are grateful for. You never want to exit this world with regrets. When I worked in sports, I used to hear the phrase, “I wish I could have…” That’s a tough pill to swallow, and it’s a reminder to make the most of each moment because tomorrow is never promised. At the end of the day, life goes on with or without us. Instead of sweating all the things we can’t control, focus on your inner peace, the people you love, the things that fuel your soul, and being grateful to live another day. It’s with hope that you carve out a lasting legacy that will be remembered, celebrated, and carried on by the people who have felt your impact, and love you.

If this reflection resonated with you, feel free to like, comment, and share on social. Never underestimate the power of sharing positive content across your community. You could be responsible for passing this reflection along to the right person at the right time when they need it the most.

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